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Resources for Families

The Family is the "domestic Church", where the faith is first shared and relationships with God start to grow.

We want to make sure that families are equipped and supported to share the faith with their children. This page provides various resources to support continuing Faith Formation at home. Click below to see more.


Parent Cues are digital resources to help families connect faith to home. 


Click below to access the most recent Parent Cue for the different grade levels sent to our Faith Formation families, as well as past Parent Cues.

Take a moment and watch Cassandra and David's introductions to the latest PARENT CUEs for families.

Cassandra Bosquet's Message

Grades 1 - 4

David Carvalho's Message

Grades 5 - 12

Take the EDGE Quiz to test your knowledge from past EDGE Nights!

Resources for Mass

Mass Resources

Below you will find resources for different ages to help bring Church home, especially when attending Mass is not possible during this time. Simply click on the images to access materials.

Share what you are doing at home! Make a video and send it to

For Kids

catholic icing.PNG

For Teens


Making a Spiritual Communion

Image by Josh Applegate

Additional Resources

Additional Resources

Meg Hunter-Kilmer, a presenter in our Parents' Toolbox series, presented on how parents can share the faith with their kids. Click below for parent resources from Meg.​

Loyola Press

Resources for families, teens, kids, prayer,

and special holidays

Finding God

An at-home formation resource for families

to deepen their faith

Vibrant Faith

Practical activities for families to enable them to talk, pray, celebrate rituals, and serve others

Alive in Christ

Interactive games categorized by grade to help children understand the Catholic faith

Catholic Sprouts

Resources, Podcasts, and tactile items 

for kids and families

Build Faith

Practices to do at home as a family to build and deepen faith

The Bible Project

Engaging videos and explanations of books

of the Bible and Biblical themes

Ascension Presents

Videos on various faith topics for teens and adults

Life Teen

Videos on various topics as well as live, interactive session

ODB Films

Videos on various topics of faith for teens

The Leadership Institute

Resources for families, infants,

and Catechism quizlets



Founded in 1863, St Teresa of Avila Parish has been serving the Summit area for over 150 years.
It is our hope, as part of both the larger Catholic Church and the Summit community,
to continue to write new history as we work to further the mission of Christ. 
For Faith Formation inquiries, please email
For parish information and general inquiries, please email
We will respond to your question as soon as possible.
Faith Formation | Cemetery & MausoleumSchool


Church & Parish Office

Cemetery & Mausoleum


306 Morris Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
Tel: 908-277-3700
Fax: 908-273-5909

136 Passaic Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
Mausoleum: 908-277-3741
Cemetery: 908-598-9426

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