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FAITH FX 2023-2024 Registration

FAITH FX is a family faith formation program for children in grades K-3 and their parents.


It provides a safe, fun space for parents and children to find a solid Catholic community, gain knowledge that will help them to grow in their faith, and, most importantly, experience Jesus in an engaging way through lessons, discussions, Bible discovery, service, and prayer.

Faith FX Components


Sunday Family Mass
Families are invited to join in Sunday worship at any of the many Masses offered. Whether attending in person or via live stream, families are welcome to experience and deepen their relationship with God through active engagement in the Mass. 


Family FX- Live
Monthly experiences for families to attend in person to be engaged in faith, fun, and togetherness. Family FX-Live will incorporate prayer, music, bible discovery, and lessons centered around the pillars of our faith.

Online Class

Faith Flips
Families will receive a monthly digital module that will bring faith home. Faith Flips will contain a message, a lesson, and a family challenge to work on together at home to grow in their faith. 



Founded in 1863, St Teresa of Avila Parish has been serving the Summit area for over 150 years.
It is our hope, as part of both the larger Catholic Church and the Summit community,
to continue to write new history as we work to further the mission of Christ. 
For Faith Formation inquiries, please email
For parish information and general inquiries, please email
We will respond to your question as soon as possible.
Faith Formation | Cemetery & MausoleumSchool


Church & Parish Office

Cemetery & Mausoleum


306 Morris Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
Tel: 908-277-3700
Fax: 908-273-5909

136 Passaic Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
Mausoleum: 908-277-3741
Cemetery: 908-598-9426

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