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Grades 1 - 4

Holy Week - Jesus' Love for Us

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Lead Me, Lord

Hold my hand, God,
lead the way,
Help me be good every day.
Let me know what's wrong and right.
Keep me safe day and night.
Let me know what You have planned.
Lead the way, God, 
and hold my hand.

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Holy Week is the most sacred and special time of the year in our faith. From Palm Sunday to Easter, we spend the week focusing not only on the last days of Jesus' earthly life but also just how much he loved us all to have made such a special sacrifice. Holy Week is the story of love and salvation!

The videos below are great tools to share as a family to learn all about the story of Holy Week. These videos will help to engage your family in beautiful discussions about what happened to Christ and how He loved us.

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This Holy Week will certainly be unlike any other we've celebrated before. The current, uncertain times we are in are keeping us away from publicly gathering to celebrate the liturgies this year in church, but we can certainly make our homes special places where the Church is present.

The following article from Our Sunday Visitor provides some insightful and practical ways on how to make the most of this Holy Week at home with our families.

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There are many ways to celebrate Holy Week as a family, and reflecting on the Stations of the Cross is one of the best ways to focus on every part of Jesus' Passion. 

Using the interactive Stations of the Cross below, take moments throughout the week to reflect on what happened to Jesus along the way to the Cross and his Resurrection. Consider writing a letter or a brief prayer to Jesus as you go through each station to let him know your feelings and thoughts about all he experienced for us.

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