Dear Friends:
As we arrive at the Fifth Week of Lent, I’m certain that it has been one like no other for so many of us! Some in our community, given their life experience, can reflect on living through times of war. Truly what we experience today might be described as fighting a war with an invisible enemy.
Despite that, we find great support in the Sacred Scriptures, which I believe, speak even more loudly in these days of sickness, anxiety and stress. While there are many examples we can reflect on and find comfort in, I like this pointed passage from the book of Joshua 1:9:
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
I’m guessing that for some, these may seem like words that have no meaning or little impact, given where we find our world these days. But it’s precisely in these days that the Lord equips us with the grace needed to see through the darkness and to be the light for one another. Where distress abounds, I believe God’s grace abounds all the more.
The final theme in our Lenten series for our reflection is Meeting Grace in Death. While death can be a very heavy burden for many, our faith teaches us that not even death can separate us from the love and life eternal with Christ. Hope is one of the most important gifts that God’s grace can give us.
As our world struggles to find a cure, prevention, healing and the peace that those all bring, some have already died and others who are more vulnerable may pass too. So as a community of faith, let’s ask for God’s Grace in abundance so that we can be filled with hope and help others in finding ways through grief.
Do not be frightened, our God is with us ... let’s work harder to be with one another in new and creative ways!
Blessings! -Fr Bob